Monday, March 27, 2017


Hi there all anglers.......

Well this is my fifth Pro Mania for 2017.  The venue is scheduled at Koster Dam in North West.  It was a chilly morning with a cold wind blowing.  But it changed very quickly as the day progress and become warm during the day.

The morning I draw Peg 17.  When I come to the peg I could see that this is going to be a difficult day.  Pegs 14 - 19 was in a dinghy (sloep).  The anglers already discussion how we going to cast over each other.  It was also a difficult zone as I had Piet Grobler, Charles Gates, JD Steyn, Raymond Cloete in my zone.  The pegs 20 -23 was very much favourable as they where pegged where the bank makes a nice point.

Well I saw the fish playing at a distance of about 50m.  I clipped my one rod at 50m and the other at 65m.  The 65m quickly gave me a fish, but the 55m wasn't working at all.  I changed the 55m to 75m.  That paid off.  I fished the entire day at 65m and 75m.   I tried at rod at 110m but immediately changes as there was to much grass in the water and you got stuck.

With the dam sitting at over 100% you had to walk in and make sure to avoid the grass below otherwise I loose the fish.  I caught 12 fish for the day 3.73kg.  It was just not enough.  The guys on pegs 20-23 where killing us.  Danie Roux win the zone and the day with 30 fish 9.93kg.  Well done to my team mate from Pure Fishing, Raymond Cloete - he ended up on a 4th position for the day.  Also 30 fish 9,2kg.  I finished 13th for the day with a BMT of 42,86%.  Not good and I have to work hard on the following Pro Mania's.

Thanks again to Pure Fishing for the awesome equipment.  I fished the first time with the 10ft Slingshot 3,5lb.  I really enjoyed the rod as it is a bitter stiffer than my previous 10ft which was a 2,5lb.  I really hit my mark every time with the rods.

I fished with the following for the day :
10ft Slingshots 2,5lb and 3,5 lb
FS4000 reels
Trilene 9pd line and 30lb leader line
Trilene hook links 7pd.

Thank you so much for the awesome sponsor and the awesome equipment. 




Monday, March 6, 2017


The 4th PRO MANIA I decided to fish was at Klipdrift Dam in Potchefstroom.  What a beautiful dam.  Normally i have good success rate at Klipdrift Dam.  But every day is a different day when it comes to fishing.

The dam was also full after the rains in the area.  It was a beautiful sunshine day with almost no breeze.  That was a bit concerning as I like the wind to be active.  I draw peg 9 for the day.  We where only 12 anglers so it was only one zone for the day.  Normally this is extremely difficult as you compete with both outside pegs.  well i though I was finished with all the small fish.   Again my first 3 fish all non-weighers.  I thought maybe I will use the same tactics as at roodekopjes with a 'BOER TRACE" with a P5 and as far as possible.  after 3 hours I decided this is not working.  I need to get something going.  The fish wasn't feeding at all.  at 13h30 a got a reel run and landed a 2,1kg carp.  My only fish for the day.  I got a 8th place with a BMT of 41,67%.  I will have to work hard to get rid of this bad BMT.  But lucky still a long year ahead.

Again thanks for PURE FISHING for the sponsored equipment.
10ft Slingshots
12ft Slingshots
Trilene Line
Avocast Reels



So I decided to tackle my 3rd PRO MANIA for the year.  This was CG PRO MANIA at Roodekopjes dam.  The dam was extremely full after the rains we received in the Gauteng area.

It was a misty day.  I draw peg 20 for the day which put me in the 3rd zone for the day as well.  Always difficult to compete with the end pegs on any particular day.  So in my zone good anglers.  Raymond Cloete, JD Steyn, Pieter Walker, Kobus Du Preez. 

So from the start the distances was important.  A lot of small fish under 150grams.  I clipped on 70m with my 10ft Slingshot with the hope that I can fish through the small fish and land a weighed fish every know and then.  But it seems nit the case.  The 13ft slingshot in 125m doesn't produce any results.  So I decided to take a 'BOER TRACE" with a P5 and a lot of worms and cast as far as possible.  Well a small barbell - at least above 150grams.  I did it again and another barbell - about 1kg.  So I decided it will be the game plan for the day.  Fish the small fish on 70M and fish at the back for barbells.  I caught 3 barbells and 4 carps that were weighted fish.  I also caught 15 non-weighed fish.

Well it was a tough day but I ended up 4th in the zone.  The end peg won the zone which is normally the case.  With a BMT of 66,66% I was happy and know that I can through this one away going forward.

Thanks again to my sponsor Pure Fishing for the reliable equipment.  It is just awesome equipment and the best on the market.

I fished with the following :
10ft Slingshots
13ft Slingshots
Trilene 5pd and 7pd line
Trilene 25pd leader line
6000 Avocast reels
4000 Avocast reels

Until next time......